Fixture-Defining Decorators

Domains-specific decorators for defining fixtures.

Predefined Fixtures

Fixtures provided by Ornithology.

HTCondor Pool Management

The central API for standing up and tearing down HTCondor pools, as well as the entrypoint for communicating with them (submitting jobs, reading daemon log files, etc.).

Running Commands

Tools for running commands and inspecting their output.

Job Handles

Tools for managing and inspecting jobs.

Job IDs and Job Status

Abstractions for job IDs and job state.

Job Queue Log Reader

Tools for inspecting the job queue log directly.

Daemon Log Reader

Tools for inspecting HTCondor daemon logs.

File Interaction

Tools for writing and reading files.

Environment Control

Tools for manipulating the environment.

Assertion Helper Functions

Functions that help check complex-but-generic conditions, like “the items in the collection are in order”.


Tools for inspecting the Python runtime, like asking “what is the name of the function I am currently in?”.